Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Mine FOREVER ^_^

Dia milikku selalu milikku ...
Pernahkah kamu tau kalau aku disini menunggumu ..
Dan akan selalu menunggu hingga kamu tau aku disini....
Aku tak akan pernah bosan ....
Karena aku disini ditemani oleh bayanganmu ....
Meski hanya bayangmu ...
Aku tetap bahagia karena dalam bayangmu ...
Kau selalu tersenyum tulus..
Bukan senyum seringai yang selalu kau tunjukan padaku ....

Rambut Cepat Panjang


Cara Membuat Rambut Cepat Panjang – Sebagian orang mungkin mengalami hal buruk saat potong rambut di salon-salon langganan Anda. Seperti saat karyawan salon memotong rambut Anda terlalu pendek dan tidak sesuai dengan apa yang Anda inginkan. Bagi sebagian orang, memotong rambut terlalu pendek rasanya bagaikan kiamat kecil bagi mereka. Karena mereka memang menganggap rambut panjang yang mereka punyai adalah mahkota yang paling indah. Dengan segala upaya, sebagian orang bahkan harus perlu untuk membeli obat-obatan untuk mempercepat rambut mereka panjang kembali.
cara membuat rambut cepat panjang rambut panjang hitam lebat 256x300 Cara Membuat Rambut Cepat Panjang
Pada dasarnya, rambut akan tumbuh dengan cepat bila rambut tersebut dalam keadaan sehat. Berikut adalah tips yang dapat Anda lakukan agar rambut tetap sehat dan cepat panjang secara alami tanpa harus menggunakan obat-obatan:
1. Jika rambut Anda rusak atau ujungnya bercabang, segera rapikan bagian yang bercabang tersebut. Memang Anda harus memotongnya, namun ini merupakan langkah awal.
2. Jangan keramas setiap hari. Shampo bisa mengurangi minyak alami yang dihasilkan oleh rambut, dan berguna untuk menutrisi rambut. Kurangi kebiasaan ini menjadi beberapa kali seminggu, atau tiga hari sekali. Jika rambut Anda cepat kotor sehingga harus dicuci setiap hari, gunakan sedikit kondisioner setiap beberapa hari sekali. Kecuali Anda bekerja di luar ruangan, rambut Anda tidak kotor-kotor amat sehingga harus dikeramas setiap hari. Sedikit kondisioner cukup untuk mengusir kotoran dan melembutkan rambut.
3. Minimalkan penggunaan karet rambut atau aksesori lain yang akan mencengkeram rambut Anda. Saat panjang rambut mulai nanggung, Anda memang cenderung akan mengikatnya supaya tidak mengganggu. Namun karet rambut akan menyebabkan rambut patah jika setiap kali Anda mengikatnya di tempat yang itu-itu saja, seperti kuncir kuda.
4. Gunakan produk-produk penataan rambut sesedikit mungkin. Misalnya gel, volumizer, serum, hairspray, dan lain sebagainya. Penggunaan produk yang terlalu sering membuat rambut menggumpal, sehingga Anda butuh shampo lagi untuk membersihkannya. Gumpalan bahan-bahan penataan rambut juga menambah kotor rambut Anda.
5. Minimalkan penggunaan alat-alat yang panas, seperti blow dryers, pengikal rambut, atau setrika rambut. Boleh-boleh saja memakainya, namun coba untuk tidak melakukannya terlalu lama agar rambut tidak terkena panas terlalu lama.
6. Pakai topi. Paparan sinar matahari akan merusak dan mengeringkan rambut. Jaga agar rambut menjadi sesehat mungkin sehingga mudah untuk tumbuh lagi.
7. Gunakan sikat rambut untuk memijat kulit kepala setiap malam. Lakukan gerakan memutar ke seluruh kulit kepala sekitar 15 menit. Setelah itu, sisir rambut Anda perlahan dari pangkal rambut hingga ke ujung. Cara ini akan mendistribusikan minyak alami pada pangkal rambut ke seluruh rambut hingga ujungnya.
Demikian tadi artikel yang berjudul Cara Membuat Rambut Cepat Panjang Secara Alami. Semoga artikel yang berjudul Cara Membuat Rambut Cepat Panjang Secara Alami ini dapat bermanfaat buat Anda semua.  Anda juga dapat membaca artikel saya yang berjudul Manfaat Tomat Bagi Kesehatan agar kita dapat mengetahui manfaat tomat selain digunakan sebagai tambahan sebagai bumbu masakan. Salam dan selamat membaca Cara Membuat Rambut Cepat Panjang.

The Song For Almighty God

Lirik Lagu Opick Allah Maha Besar Lyrics

Allah Maha Besar - Opick
*courtesy of LirikLaguIndonesia.Net
Allah Maha Besar
dengan segala keagungan milikMu
Allah Maha Besar
segala puji untukMu
bayi yang lahir
nyawa yang hilang
setiap insan semua tlah dituliskan
burun yg terbang
ikan berenang karena Allah
tiada satupun tak terencana
daun yg jatuh dan hujan yg turun
setiap musibah dan kematian tlah dituliskan
Allah Sang Maha Pencipta
tak satupun kekurangan
Allah yang Maha Besar
segala puji untukMu
Blog EntriSep 22, '08 3:51 AM
untuk semuanya
A' is for Allah, nothing but Allah;
Ba is the beginning of Bismillah;
Ta is for Taqwa, bewaring of Allah;
and Tha is for Thawab, a reward;

Ja is for Janna, the Garden of Paradise;
Ha is for Hajj, the blessed pilgrimage;
Kha is for Khaatem, the seal of the prophethood given to the Prophet, Muhammed (SAW);
Da is for Deen, Al-Islam, religion with Allah since time began;
Dha is for dhikr, remembering Allah;
and Ra is for the month of Ramadhan, ohh Ramadhan;
Za is for Zakat to pure our greed, when we give our money to those in need;
Sa is for Salamu alaikum, peace be with you wa'alaikum assalam;
Sha is for shams, the shining sun, which Allah placed for everyone;
and Sua is for salat, for when we pray facing him, everyday, facing him, till we meet our
Allah there's only one God and Muhammed is his Messenger. Allah, La ilaha illa'allah;
Dua is for duha, the morning light, the sun has turned from red to white;
Tua is for tareeq, the path to walk upon;
and Dhua is for dhil, a shadow;
and Aa is for ilm, the thing to know, to make our knowledge grow, in Islam;
Gha is for ghaib, a world unseen and that we know is not a dream;
Fa is for, the Opening, Al-Fatiha;
and Qua for the Qur'an, the book of God;
and Ka is for kalima, a word we're taught to teach us what is good and what is not;
and La is for the beginning of La ilaha illa'allah;
Ma is for the Messenger Muhammed-ur-Rasoolillah. La ilaha illa'allah, Muhammed-ur-
Allah, there's only one God and Muhammed is his Messenger. Allah, la ilaha illa'allah;
Na is for nawm, the sleep God gave to give us rest after the day;
Ha is for the Hijra, the journey that, the Prophet made;
and Wa for wudu before we pray to help us wash our sins away;
and Ya for Yawm-mid-Deen;
Allah, there's only one God and Muhammed is his Messenger. Allah, La ilaha illa'allah;
Allah, there's only one God and Jesus was his Messenger. Allah, La ilaha illa'allah;
Allah, there's only one God and Moses was his Messenger. Allah, La ilaha illa'allah;
Allah, there's only one God and Abraham was his Messenger. Allah, La ilaha illa'allah;
Allah, there's only one God and Noah was his Messenger. Allah, La ilaha illa'allah;
Allah, there's only one God and he created Adam, and we are the children of Adam. Allah,
La ilaha illa'allah;
Allah, there's only one God and Muhammed is his Messenger. Allah, La ilah

Islam For People

What Islam Is All About

The word Islam is an Arabic word that means peace, security, and surrender. A person who believes in and follows the faith of Islam is called a Muslim. Muslims believe that by practicing their faith through submission to God alone, they can achieve peace and security in their lives.
All words in Arabic are based on a three-letter root word. The words “Islam” and “Muslim” originate from the same root word: S-L-M. Variations of the same root are the Arabic words for peace, surrender, health, safety, and commitment. All of these shades of meaning are present in the name of the faith: Islam.
Muslims believe there is One Almighty God, who sends prophets to communicate His message to mankind. In fact, Muslims accept all of the biblical prophets, including Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Muslims believe that their faith is a confirmation of the message that these prophets brought: to believe in One Almighty God and to follow (submit to) His guidance. The Qur'an, the holy book of Islam, instructs Muslims, “We believe in God, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to all prophets from their Lord. We make no difference between one and another of them, and we submit to God” (Qur'an 2:136).
There are more than 1.2 billion Muslims in the world today — nearly one-fifth of the world's population — making Islam the second-larges
faith community (Christianity is the world's largest). Muslims are to be found among virtually all ethnic groups, nationalities, and countries. Although often associated with the Arab world, fewer than 15 percent of Muslims are Arab

Islamic Life style

The Islamic Lifestyle

In Islam, religion is a complete way of life, not just a spiritual yearning. When a person believes that God has created the world and has sent guidance to human beings, it naturally follows that a believer would want to follow His guidance. Islam provides an entire spiritual and social structure that regulates believers in every aspect of their lives: whom they marry, how they conduct business relations, what they say when praying, how they relate to their neighbors, and so on.
Muslims do not describe Islam as a religion. Rather, it is a deen, which comes from the Arabic word for way of life, conviction, or creed. Muslims contend that Islam is more than a religious belief — it is a way of living in accordance with one's religious faith.
Muslims believe that God's guidance in all matters, both spiritual and physical, is a blessing so that life on Earth will be harmonious and peaceful. After all, the One who created us knows what is best for us.

Focus on Faith

If you get to know an average Muslim individual or family, you will probably find them to be humble and spiritual people. They help their neighbors and the poor, they work hard to take care of their families, and they turn to God for guidance and mercy throughout the day. Muslims pray five times each and every day, as a way of taking a break from the daily grind of life to refocus. Prayer is the first thing they do upon rising and the last thing they do before retiring for the night. Words of prayer and praise fall readily off a Muslim's lips, even during mundane conversation. Muslims try to be ever mindful of God's blessings, His mercy, and their obligations to Him as believers.

Focus on Family

After God, Muslims turn their attention to their families. Muslims believe in a strong family unit, which often extends beyond the nuclear family to include other relatives and the larger community. Muslims are dutiful to their parents. They lovingly discipline their children and care for the ill and the elderly. In Islam, the emphasis is on community and family harmony.

A Lifestyle of Moderation

Islam teaches people to be moderate in their lives, not leaning toward one extreme or another. Muslims pray and seek guidance from God, but they also tend to mundane matters of life. They pray during the night, but they also have time to sleep and get a good night's rest. Muslims spend time in fasting, but they also eat. There is no monasticism in Islam; balance and moderation are key.
Islam discourages extremism in either direction. Muhammad once said, “Religion is very easy, and whoever overburdens himself in his religion will not be able to continue in that way. So you should not be extremists. Rather, try to be near to perfection, and receive good tidings that you will be rewarded.”

Kutuk Nigeria

Minggu, 08 Januari 2012
Ghana: Ahmadiyah Mengutuk Pembunuhan di Nigeria

Maulvi Wahab Adam
Jamaah Muslim Ahmadiyah di Ghana mengutuk serangan terhadap gereja-gereja, membunuh dan melukai jamaah yang tidak bersalah di beberapa negara bagian Nigeria.

Sebuah pernyataan yang ditandatangani oleh Amir dan Missionary in charge di sana, Maulvi Dr A. Wahab Adam dan disalin ke Agensi Berita Ghana pada Kamis, dikatakan "Islam telah membuat kewajiban bagi umat Islam untuk melindungi semua tempat ibadah termasuk Gereja dan Sinagog."

"Alquran telah mengkategorikan pembunuhan terhadap satu orang sebagai telah membunuh seluruh umat manusia", katanya. Ditambahkan juga bahwa "hal itu jelas dalam ajaran Islam sehingga Muslim Ahmadiyah mengutuk pembunuhan di Nigeria."

Pernyataan itu mengatakan bahwa pengrusakan seperti tempat ibadah dan pembunuhan keji menggambarkan Islam sebagai agama barbar".

Dalam sebuah pernyataan dalam kebenaran, Islam menuntut percaya pada semua nabi Allah yang telah diutus sepanjang sejarah untuk membimbing umat manusia.

Dikatakan bahwa kayakinan menuntuk seorang muslim berkomitmen untuk menghormati semua nabi yang tentunya menuntut juga melindungi bagi semua tempat ibadah dan kesucian sebuah nyawa setiap orang, terlepas dari apa agama mereka.